Thịt bò là một trong những loại thực phẩm thường ngày. Có rất nhiều loại thịt bò khác nhau, tùy theo món mà cần chọn loại thịt bò phù hợp. Trong bài viết nầy sẽ bao gồm một số tài liệu và hình ảnh sưu tầm từ trên mạng liên quan tới các loại thịt bò và ứng dụng.
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Cách lựa thịt bò
Thịt bò lựa miếng màu đỏ tươi, thớ thịt nhỏ mịn, sờ chắc không dính tay. Nếu nhiều mỡ xám là thịt già.
Bên dưới là hình ghi tên các loại Beef Cuts để dễ chọn loại hợp ý.
Lưu ý trong hình bên dưới cho thấy các loại thịt xẻ phần thân và chân bò. Ngoài ra, có thể left click vào các hình bên dưới để biết thêm về các loại Beef Round Cuts
Beef Round Cuts
Beef Round Cuts
The round is the rear leg of the cow. A frequently used muscle, the meat from this area is lean but tough.
- Bottom Round: One area is tougher than the other, and it's usually divided into two smaller cuts -- bottom round roast and rump roast (the end that comes to a point).
- Bottom Round Roast: Roasts from the bottom round. A bit tough and best suited as corned beef or pot roast. This is called beef silverside in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.
- Eye Round Roast/Steak or Eye of the Round: A boneless roast that looks like tenderloin, but it is much tougher. Used as a roast or cut into steaks. Steaks cut from the roast are used in stews or processed into cube steak. Also called breakfast steak, wafer steak, sandiwch steak, minute steak.
- London Broil: The name of the finished dish, not the cut of meat. Butchers will use the name London Broil for flank steak, top round steak or top blade steak.
- Top Round Steak or Butterball Steak: Thick steaks from the top of the round. Usually broiled, braised or cooked in liquid.
- Round Steak: Very lean, but not as tender and juicy as other cuts. Served broiled, braised or cooked in a liquid.
- Round Tip Roast or Tip Roast or Sirloin Tip Roast or Tip Sirloin Roast: A cut away from the sirloin section, this roast is tender enough to be oven roasted or used as kabobs. When trimmed it's called a trimmed tip roast or ball tip roast.
- Round Tip Steak: A steak cut from the untrimmed round tip roast.
- Rump Roast: Cut from the bottom round. When the bone is left in, it is called a standing rump roast.
- Top Round Roast: A lean and fairly tender cut as compared to the other cuts from the round.
How to prepare: Cook with moist heat or roast, as long as the meat is not overcooked.
Nutrition Facts
Calculated for 1 lb
Calories 988
Calories from Fat 600 (60%)
Amount Per Serving %DV
Total Fat 66.7g 102%
Saturated Fat 25.9g 129%
Monounsaturated Fat 0.0g
Polyunsaturated Fat 2.5g
Trans Fat 0.0g
Cholesterol 290mg 96%
Sodium 249mg 10%
Potassium 1501mg 42%
Total Carbohydrate 0.0g 0%
Dietary Fiber 0.0g 0%
Sugars 0.0g
Protein 91.1g 182%
Trong hình bên dưới là một số cách phân loại thịt bò tùy theo từng vị trí trên cơ thể bò
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Eye Round Roast
The eye round is the eye muscle of the bottom round of the beef round primal cut. The eye round roast is boneless and can be a bit tough, so it is best to cook it with a moist heat process such as pot-roasting.
Eye Round Roast, Beef term - Related Content
Glossary Terms
Top Round Roast Beef
- A beef roast cut from the top round muscle, which is the inside muscle of the upper portion of the rear leg. It is one of the better cuts from the round primal in terms of flavor. ...
- The beef bottom round is the outside muscle of the upper leg. The bottom round roast can be used as an oven roast if it is of the best quality, but it can become very tough and ...
- The chuck eye is a continuation of the rib-eye meat. It is similar to the rib-eye meat of the rib primal (ribs 6-12) except that it is located in the chuck primal (ribs 1-5). The ...
- The rib-eye roast refers to a beef rib roast that has had the 6th through the 12th rib bones removed leaving just the rib-eye muscle. It is tender, flavorful, and expensive. The ...
- The beef round tip roast is next to the sirloin tri-tip, so it is not quite as tough as other round roasts. It is often braised, but it may be oven roasted if the meat is of top ...
USDA Nutrition Facts
Beef, corned beef hash, with potato, canned (USDA#22908)
Calories 164
Protein 8g
Total Fat 10g
Total Carbohydrates 9g
Dietary Fiber 1g
Sugars 0g
Potassium 172mg
Sodium 425mg
Cholesterol 32mg
Beef, cured, corned beef, brisket, cooked (USDA#13347)
Serving Size 1 piece, cooked, excluding refuse (yield from 1 lb raw meat with refuse)
Calories 251
Protein 18g
Total Fat 18g
Total Carbohydrates 0g
Dietary Fiber 0g
Sugars 0g
Potassium 145mg
Sodium 1134mg
Cholesterol 98mg
Beef, cured, corned beef, brisket, raw (USDA#13346)
Serving Size 1 oz
Calories 198
Protein 14g
Total Fat 14g
Total Carbohydrates 0g
Dietary Fiber 0g
Potassium 297mg
Sodium 1217mg
Cholesterol 54mg
Most steaks come a bit further back on the cow, and the best known steaks start at the upper mid section, and proceed back to the hind quarters.
Just back from the shoulder is the rib section, and this is the home of the prime rib roast, and not surprisingly, the rib steak and the rib eye. Very well marbled and flavorful, the rib section is about the tastiest of all the steaks, and is tender and succulent enough for a quick treatment on the grill.
Some common cuts of the rib are:
Rib steak, which if you can imagine is just a slice with the bone of a prime rib, Rib eye steak, which is just the boneless interior of the rib steak
Directly behind the rib section is the loin, and the loin meat is the tenderest section of beef. Although not as well flavored or marbled as the rib, the loin accounts for the most expensive and tender of all the cuts of steak. Some common cuts of the loin are:
The tenderloin, the tenderest cut, the most expensive, and some say less flavorful.
T-Bone, A bit of everything, the T bone has a T shaped bone which sub divides a small section of tenderloin, with a larger section of strip steak.
Porterhouse, similar to the T-bone, but with a larger section of tenderloin.
Strip loin (NY steak), a rectangular strip of very flavorful steak, like a T-bone without the bone or tenderloin!
Directly behind the loin is the sirloin. Less tender and cheaper than the loin, sirloin steaks are very tasty. Try to pick sirloin steaks as cut close to the loin if possible (if the bone is flat that means close to the loin, and round means farther back).
The round section is the hind leg of the cow, and although some of these can be very flavorful, all are less tender than even the sirloin.
Some common cuts from the round are:
Top round is an acceptable steak for the grill, inexpensive and flavorful.
Bottom round is OK for the grill, but you should probably marinate well as it can be a bit chewy.
Eye of round is too tough for quick cooking methods.
Buy the right steak
If money is no object, go for the rib eye, the tenderloin, the Porterhouse/T-bone or the strip; but if you're looking for value for money tri a flat boned sirloin for a great beefy flavor, or even cheaper, a top round steak.
Before you choose and begin cooking steak, it helps to understand which part of the animal it came from. The cow is divided into eight primal cuts (see Illustration).
The tenderness or toughness of steak cuts really depends on how much the animal has had to use the muscle. Cuts near the front (chuck/shoulder) and the back end (round/hip) are used for movement, are going to be tougher. Cuts from the rib and short loin will be tender.
I have rated each steak for flavor and tenderness based on experience, research and feedback from others. The rating is out of 5, the best being 5 out of 5 and the lowest 1 out of 5. But before you race out and buy the best rated steaks, you should know that any steak can be tender.
Let me explain, you have just purchased two steaks, a t-bone steak and a bottom round steak, your grill is fired up and your ready to start cooking steak. Now if you do nothing but take both steaks directly from the package to the grill, cook to medium rare, the t-bone steak is going to be tender and the bottom round is going to be tough and chewy. I have rated all steaks based on this cooking method, so to acquire flavor and tenderness different cooking methods must be used for different parts of the animal. By following the directions for each of the different cuts, you can make a tough steak tender and flavorful.
tùy theo túi tiền của bạn và tùy theo sở thích
Miếng steak ngon là thịt phải mịn mềm và thơm sau đây là bảng phân loại:
RIB - steak được xếp vào hạng mềm, thơm, ngon - Rib steak, ribeye steak-
The next primal cut is the rib, it reaches from the 6th rib, adjoining the chuck, through the 12th rib adjoining the loin. Rib cuts have excellent beefy flavor and are quite tender.
SHORT LOIN - steak được xếp vào hạng tuyệt vời - mềm, thơm ,ngon (nhưng hơi đắt tí) -T-Bone steak, Beef Tenderloin steak (Filet Mignon), Porterhouse steak, Strip loin steak(top loin)
The short loin extends from the last rib back through to the sirloin. Cooking steak from this section will receive rave reviews for their superb flavor and extreme tenderness.
SIRLOIN - steak được xếp vào hạng trung bình - không được mềm, thơm như short loin - bao gồm top sirloin steak, top sirloin medallion, sirloin cap steak, tri tip steak
The sirloin lies between the short loin and the round/hip. Though not as tender as the adjoining short loin, cuts from the sirloin are appreciated for their full-bodied flavor and firm satisfying texture.
ROUND/HIP - loại này thì hơi cứng không được mềm lắm - sirloin tip steak, sirloin tip center steak, sirloin tip side steak, top round steak(inside round), bottom round steak (outside round), eye of round steak
The back of the cow called the round or hip, is the entire upper leg. Steak cuts from this area are lean and less tender. Round cuts are best suited for marinading or moist-heating.
The underside of the animal is divided into the brisket/shank, the plate and the flank. The brisket is the front portion of the beef breast that lies between the front legs and takes well to smoking, braising, or poaching. The plate is rarely sold at store level and the flank is usually sold as steak.
CHUCK/SHOULDER - cứng và cần phải nấu thật kỹ - blade steak, top blade steak, chuck tender steak, cross rib steak(beef shoulder steak)
The chuck starts from the neck and includes ribs 1 to 5. Steak cuts from this area are very tasteful and fatty. The chuck happens to be a heavily exercised muscle and contains a great deal of connective tissue including collagen. Collagen melts during cooking, making the meat intensely flavorful. Cooking steak from this area benefit from slow, wet cooking methods.
Tứ Diễm sẽ viết thêm sau
Chao chi Tu Diem!
E dang tim kiem thong tin ve thit bo thi lai doc dc bang huong dan cua chi,sao ma chi tiet qua, nhung kho noi e lai dot tieng anh nen ko hieu nhieu lam ,hoi o vn e co an pho bo ,co tai nam gau gan ,chi co the chi cho e thit nam bo va gau bo nguoi ta goi la gi duoc ko chi ,e muon mua ve de nau pho an cho do them,nhung lai ko biet keu thit do la loai thit gi hic hic mong tin chi lam lam!
hi sis,
Thịt bò nạm và gầu đều gọi chung là brisket trong tiếng Anh, nhưng nếu quan sát sis sẽ thấy gầu nhiều mỡ hơn là nạm. Có người lại dùng loại fat brisket làm gầu và loại well-done flank làm nạm.
Bò nạm sẽ có một lớp mỡ dầy trên bề mặt, lớp mỡ nầy sẽ giúp hương vị nồi nước dùng (nước lèo) thơm ngon hơn. Gầu nhiều mỡ hơn nạm nhưng mỡ sẽ xen lẫn trong thớ thịt giúp tăng vị béo và giòn.
Nói chung, cách chọn thịt chắc cũng tùy theo ý mỗi người. Theo google, họ dịch như vầy:
Tái = eye-of-round steak
Chín = well-done brisket.
Gầu = fat brisket
Nạm = well-done flank
Vè Giòn = skirt flank
Gân = soft tendon
Sách = bible tripe