- Miên Dương - Aries ( March 21 - April 19 )
- Kim Ngưu - Taurus ( April 20 - May 20 )
- Song Nam - Gemini ( May 21 - June 21 )
- Bắc Giải - Cancer ( June 22 - July 22 )
- Hải Sư - Leo ( July 23 - August 23 )
- Xử Nữ - Virgo ( August 23 - September 23 )
- Thiên Xứng - Libra ( September 23 - October 23 )
- Hổ Cáp - Scorpio ( October 23 - November 23 )
- Nhân Mã - Sagittarius ( November 22 - December 22 )
- Nam Dương - Capricorn ( Dec 22 - Jan 19 )
- Bảo Bình - Aquarius ( Jan 20 - Feb 18 )
- Song Ngư - Pisces ( Feb 19 - Mar 20 )
Mến chúc một năm 2013 vui vẻ, hạnh phúc, an khang, thịnh vượng và vạn sự như ý
2013 amps up the themes of finance, sexuality, debt and change as Saturn prepares to overhaul this house of your horoscope until 2015. The good news is that you shall no longer feel all of the stress and strain (or dry spell) around relationships as you have since late 2009. The door is wide open to meet someone new or totally transform an existing relationship. The key words are depth, passion and intensity. Are you ready to get more intimate with your self and others than ever? If you've ever considered some kind of depth process like psychoanalysis, this is the year to plummet your own unfathomable depths, Aries. You have probably only scratched the tip of the iceberg when it comes to unleashing your true powers, resourcefulness and regenerative powers. Have you secretly wondered what you are truly made of at your core of cores? Get ready to find out. This is also an excellent time to pay off any debt: both emotionally and financially.
Uranus continues to energize your stars and promote the rebellious side of your nature. You refuse to dance to anyone's beat but your very own. Last year's challenging cardinal climax brought considerable tension to your life -- especially around career, and some of the fall-out from any of that wreckage is still being integrated and renovated into the new and improved version of home and career possibility. The brave and risky moves you took in 2012 can take deeper root this year as you pour your passion and perserverance into making your dreams a powerhouse of a reality. By mid-year, you'll have the power of Jupiter working to expand your life from the ground up. You may be looking for a bigger home or just ready to take your life to a new level. No more playing small and safe. Get ready to experience your true potential for fame and fortune, Aries. There is a reason the Sun shines most brightly in your stars.
The eclipse patterns for 2013 will greatly impact the financial houses of your horoscope. You are learning powerful lessons in the money department as you develop greater resourcefulness and business savvy. You will never again question your true value nor will you accept anything less than what you know you are worth. This is a time to up the ante and rake in the level of compensation you deserve. You are also more willing and able to get grounded in the reality of your bank balance and strategically devise better ways to remove debt and improve your sense of security for long-term stability.
You'll be thrilled to know that any dry spell in the love arena is officially over, Aries. Saturn has officially left the building and won't be back to put you through trial and tribulation in your relationship zone for another three decades! All of the painful and difficult lessons you've learned about love since 2009 can now be put to good use as you prepare for deeper levels of intimacy than you have ever imagined. You've learned about the importance of boundaries and saying no to codependent patterns, and now you are about to learn the power of deep commitment, self-reliance and sexual monogamy.
Now that Saturn has come to teach you powerful lessons about your sexuality and regenerative powers as a woman and a partner, get ready to relinquish everything you think you knew about yourself. Secrets about your own inner workings will be uncovered whether you are actually in psychoanalysis (recommended) or not. 2013 could be one of the most intense years for confronting your fears around deep intimacy and loss, especially in love. Any part of you that is secretly jealous, terrified of losing emotional control or clings to security for dear life is about to be challenged and reformed for the stronger. This is the essence of self-empowerment.
Sexuality becomes a powerful theme in 2013 as you work to uncover and release any residual shame that holds you back from experiencing the depth and passion of your life force. Saturn in Scorpio in your house of sexuality and transformation proves to be a most healing force in bringing any darkness to the light so that you can fully embrace your true powers as a fiery and sexual being without any hangups, unconscious promiscuity or other self-destructive behaviors that actually deplete your vital energy and self-esteem.
Pluto continues to bring power and passion to your career zone -- but with the added support of Saturn this year. Saturn and Pluto are in what is called 'mutual reception' (i.e. they swapped signs) which means they reinforce the power of the other. Not only will you bring the integrity and diehard commitment of Pluto in Capricorn to all professional ambition, but now you have the added bonus of Saturn bringing the discipline and ability to push through every obstacle. When the going gets tough, the Ram gets going. Never have you been so determined to make an everlasting and profound mark in the world.
You will have the force of this year's eclipse points working your money zones to speed up change and release any stagnation and debt. With the combined power of both Saturn and the North Node in your sector of debt and resourcefulness, you are ready to work smarter instead of harder. Let your money work for you for a change instead of the other way around. You'll have Jupiter blessing your sector of wheeling and dealing making it easy to establish connection with just the right people to further your career goals.
The right people will show up at the right time to open doors you never thought possible. Don't be afraid to reach out to your contacts and let everyone know what you have to offer. And be confident in asking for any support you might need to further your cause. Although you are the epitome of independence, we all get by with a little help from our friends -- even you, darling Ram.
2013 brings the kind of emotional stability and depth you've been craving for years. Now that Saturn has finally moved out of your work and health sector for good, you will feel a great weight lift off your shoulders with the burden of daily demands and never-ending deadlines. Now you can rightly direct your attention to the relam of relationships. Saturn has moved into your opposite constellation (Scorpio) until 2015 and promises to reveal your missing other half both within and without. Your commitments to others will deepen and you will come to realize how much you truly value your loved ones. Never again will you take any of your significant others for granted. Relationships are your end-all-be-all in 2013. Saturn will show you which ones are worth hanging onto and which ones you have outgrown. No longer will you tolerate relationships that only prove to be a dead-end.
The South Node of the Moon brings a series of eclipses in your sign this year, Taurus. That spells great change and letting go of any outworn attachments and stagnation across the board. Change comes hard if ever in the life of a steadfast and loyal bull, but alas this is your year to let go, let go, let go. Your life and your relationships in particular will undergo great transformation from the ground level, up. Be prepared to tear it all down and start from ash. You are about to learn powerful lessons in how resourceful and resilient you can be when you finally relinquish your need to possess and control.
Money is always essential in the life of security-loving Taurus, but in 2013 it will take on even greater significance. You are learning how important it is to cultivate resourcefulness rather than just working yourself to the bone. Trading dollars for hours is no longer a viable working formula for you. You've got to start tapping into your business brain so that your money makes money for you, and you can spend more time doing what you do best: creating beauty for yourself and others. You've more than paid your dues over the past few years, and you're more than ready to free up your time. You've come to learn the hard way that this is in fact your most valuable resource. You can recover most things, but time that is lost is lost forever.
Get ready for serious lessons in the world of relationships this year, Taurus. You are loyal and committed by nature, so you'll welcome this deep phase of working diligently to take your partnerships to a whole new level of intimacy. You may have to confront some fears and blocks along the way as Saturn puts your relationships through the ringer (pun intended) in order to show you what you will and will not tolerate from others. Boundaries in love become a key theme, and you will surely have the backing and thus backbone of Saturn to stand your ground when negotiating the terms of your relationship. You're known to give more than you receive but Saturn will no longer allow you to undervalue yourself in relationships, Taurus.
You are finally learning to see and own your true value, Taurus and this will transform the quality of your love life like nothing else. You'll no longer settle for lovers or partners that do not honor, cherish and celebrate your essence. No longer will you cling to relationships for the emotional security if the other person does not truly step up to the plate and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. You have come too far and put too much investment in becoming the best Bull you can be to allow others to undermine you or worse, take you for granted.
If you've been on the fence about whether to hang in there and give it another try or finally make your exit out of an existing love affair, Saturn will give you the clarity and backbone to make the final cut if need be. You can think with your head and your heart for a change, allowing you to make healthier choices in love. If you decide to stick with it and go the long haul, you'll also have Saturn's strength to perservere and push through any obstacles.
2012 brought a breakthrough or two to your career zone and now in 2013 the restless surge continues. Now that Saturn has removed the pressure and burden from your work zone, you can no longer use the excuse of being bogged down by daily duty. This is the year to use that restless energy and take a risk to merge your passion and your work. You have been promising yourself for years that you would break out of the comfort of the familiar to pursue something more satisfying on a soul level even if it meant sacrificing the security of a paycheck. Well now is the time, Taurus. With the south node of the Moon pushing you out of the stagnation zone and into new and passionate territory, how can you possibly remain stuck? Something infinitely more gratifying is waiting for you on the other side of your current status quo, it's just up to you to make the leap.
Jupiter will continue to bring miraculous opportunity to your financial arena until June, so take advantage of this lucky influence by expanding your current horizons. Don't be afraid to invest in yourself and a brighter future instead of always anticipating the rainy day. Jupiter thinks big and is not afraid to take risks if it means greater gains. Where do you need to take a chance in order to tap into greater freedom, success and possibility than you have allowed yourself in your work and career? Is it because you are afraid you won't make money? Put those fears to the test before June, and you just might be pleasantly surprised. Plus, you're never one without a backup plan, or two. It's not about doing something reckless but it is about doing something deliciously daring, Taurus.
With the powerful force of the eclipse points working your sign this year, you cannot help but tap into the depths of your money-making potential. If you have any debts this is the year to pay them off so that they don't inhibit your ability to try something new in the career arena. If you feel enslaved to monthly fees, penalties or minimum payments, how can you feel confident to take the risk that the stars are beckoning you to take in 2013? Clean up your finances as early on as possible so you can move on to exciting change without the worry.
2012 brought you so many relationship lessons, your head may still be spinning as you move into the dark and transformative waters of 2013. Chances are, you have finally decided whether you are in or out (although the inner dialogue and debate is eternal). Now you are being called to go deeper into your experience of commitment and intimacy. Of course, you're known to favor the shallow end, Gemini, but you'll be surprised at how much you crave the depths this year. You are willing to put in the hard work and do whatever it takes to make your life more solid, stable and secure than ever before. Even if this seems to go against your ever changeable nature, you'll find great comfort in consistency over the next few years.
Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, is taking up long-term residence in your zone of health and work until 2015. The more energy you put into your current projects and daily duties, the greater the reward. You're learning the value of patience, perseverence and hard work. Finding the proper balance between work and health is also a theme that comes into sharp focus. How well are you taking care of yourself? You may find yourself drawn to a more austere, sensible and -- yes -- healthy lifestyle now. Eating to live, instead of living to eat, becomes a viable theme. In order to keep up the energy to support the heaps of projects you've got brewing (as per usual), you'll need to make sure your health and vitality are top notch. Embracing a healthy lifestyle makes everything possible and keeps your life running like a well-oiled machine.
You'll be thrilled to hear that the winds of change are finally dying down as the last two plus years of crazy eclipse patterns in your sign are finished. The dust is finally getting ready to settle and you can begin a potent building phase in your life. Making time for your inner world, spirituality and self-inquiry becomes a necessity rather than a luxury now. Carve out time to sleep, dream, write, draw, journal or whatever it is that your soul needs to thrive during such a busy and productive time. You will need this in order to balance your heavy workload.
After enduring a rocky road over the past few years, where you changed your mind about love a thousand times and nearly gave up hope on relationships altogether, you're finally ready to enter a period stability and commitment. The eclipse patterns are no longer turning your relationship realm upside down. You have a better sense of what you want and what you will not put up with in your relationships, which puts you on solid ground. As much as you love a good game, when it comes to love you want nothing short of the real thing. You're exhausted from the back-and-forth, the push-and-pull, cat-and-mouse games. You've grown up considerably since 2012 and are ready for a meaningful and mature relationship.
Other great news to support this maturation process in love is that Saturn has left your romance department for good (well at least for 28 years). After creating considerable difficulty and challenge in your romantic sector since late 2009, you've learned the hard way not to get involved with the wrong people. Your sometimes naive trust in the goodness in others has been replaced with a sober and sharp mind that carefully weighs the pros and cons of getting involved before giving your heart. Saturn taught you how important rules and limits are, even in your romantic life. When you draw a sharp line, your partner will respect you. If they cannot accept your limits, they do not deserve you. This has become crystal clear for you now, Gemini. It's as if a huge rock is being lifted from your romantic life and you're finally clear about whether you want to commit or quit. Of course, this doesn't mean you'll be completely free from any doubts of flip-flopping while committed, this is just part and parcel of your dual nature, Gemini. The difference is that you're willing to roll up your sleeves and put in the hard work to make the relationship successful.
You're willing to put in the long hours and tireless effort required to take your career to the next level. You're also loads more focused and disciplined when it comes to daily tasks -- thanks to the cosmic taskmaster (Saturn) giving support to your work zone until 2015. You aren't about to throw in the towel just because things get difficult nor will you look for the nearest distraction as you may've been prone to do in the past. The new you will persist against all obstacles to make your dream a concrete and sustainable reality. Saturn in your work zone is showing you that anything worth having takes hard work, patience and consistent effort. You know the stakes are too high to take the easy way out and throw away all that you've built. Just remember: where there is love, there is no effort. This year's series of life-changing eclipse patterns will rock your work world as the north node hangs out in your work zone for all of 2013. Expect great speed to replace any previous stagnation with your current projects. In fact, you may find your work moving ahead at such a crazy pace that it's hard for your soul to keep up. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time off to catch your breath so your health doesn't suffer. All work and no play can make Gemini one unhappy camper.
Neptune continues to influence your career zone in 2013, bringing great glamour and prestige to your professional persona. You've been blessed to merge the needs of your soul with your career since 2012, and now you're learning to use the power of smoke and mirrors to your advantage in the most powerful way. Your offering to the world is incredibly healing. People are mesmerized with what you have to offer and you can use the power of your imagination to captivate your chosen audience and target market. All of this leads to greater exposure and possibility.
Get ready for a year of fabulous expansion, sweetness and love galore, Cancer. This summer, lucky Jupiter is moving into your constellation to bring amazing opportunity and expansion to your world -- all the way into 2014! You've been preparing for the breakthrough and surge in success, so you'll be more than ready to take your rightful place in the limelight. All areas of your life receive the benefits and blessings of Jupiter for the second half of 2013. Your confidence is sky high and you feel more optimistic about life and your future than you have in ages. All of the suffering, heaviness and loss of 2012 will quickly become a thing of the past as you embrace the amazing opportunities being showered upon you in 2013.
2012 had you face some very deep fears steeped in your childhood. Family issues and wounds from childhood were the challenges you had to face. It wasn't easy but it brought a tremendous amount of inner strength in its wake. Rest assured, this new phase takes you out of the past and into the world of love, romance and creativity. You're being asked to put considerable time into pursuing your heart's desire -- without exception. If you can structure time for what you love, your life will be infinitely more rewarding than it has been in years. The depression is definitely lifting and you are willing to embrace the sweet life once again.
The potent and life-changing eclipse patterns that brought so much loss in 2012 have changed signs and will now be working on your romance and social zones. You'll feel incredible change and momentum with friends and lovers. Your goal is stability, and in order to achieve this you'll have to make some tough decisions about who stays in the boat and who needs to be kicked out for good. Your nostalgic nature makes it challenging to let go -- even when it's for your own good. Trust that better people will replace the crazy makers.
Your love life is about to get incredibly passionate in 2013, Cancer. You've been preparing for the kind of all-consuming, soul-stirring and dangerously delicious experience of romance for the past two years. At the same time, you're craving greater emotional security than ever. Are these needs mutually exclusive? Not necessarily, but they will require that you only give your heart away to someone you trust, even if the chemistry is off the charts. It's sometimes hard to determine if you're building something to last or burning through a flame that will die as quickly as it started. You've certainly had your fair share of both versions of love over the past few years (perhaps even in the same relationship).
You may be surprised in 2013 how a hot-and-heavy love affair suddenly moves into deep unchartered waters. You'll be asked to put in the work to make it last, but you know it's worth it. This is actually what you want more than anything, despite your fears of getting hurt. Give it a chance if your gut tells you it's the right person. This could be your chance to finally achive the level of intimacy that makes life infinitely magical on a daily basis, despite the inherent struggle.
This is a year to let go of all of the pain and baggage from the past so you can embrace the powerful potential of a fulfilling relationship in the present. This may involve some heavy digging and relinquishing of the old skeletons from the closet, but trust that it's worth the effort. You must free yourself from any residual grievances and resentments from lovers in your past or your heart will never truly be open to someone new (or to your present partner if you're already hitched). Don't let negative nostalgia sabotage your love life, Cancer. That's such an old story for you at this point.
The revolution continues in your career sector. The explosive aspects between Pluto and Uranus that will continue this year allow you to break free of any residual limitations. You crave nothing less than total freedom and autonomy when it comes to running your professional life. You refuse to be told what to do or how to do it. With your innate business sense, you don't need some pesky boss to cramp your style. You made some serious inroads during 2012, and your instinct to break rules is stronger than ever. Follow your gut! It never steers you wrong, Cancer.
Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, lends tremendous support to your stars this year. You have more staying power than you even realized, and all of the work you've done on your integrity in the past year gives you the backbone you need to stand up to even seemingly insurmountable challenges. You trust your instincts and are not afraid to take risks when it comes to pushing your career to the next level. Your determination to truly get yourself and your brand on the map will pay off in spades this year. You won't give up until you reach the top. The eclipses will increase the flow of social networking that began at the end of 2012. You'll be absolutely blown away by the slew of incredible people coming into your world to help you achieve your goals. Think outside of the box in terms of the groups you might normally affiliate with. There are more branches that you have not considered that could easily be mutually beneficial. Don't be afraid to reach out even if you're not sure. You'll be surprised how willing people are to support your cause this year. There will be no shortage of angels to help you along the way, that's for sure.
Get ready to dig deeply in 2013, Leo. You're going into a phase of complete and total metamorphosis. This will require considerable self-analysis and probing into your past patterns, but all the work will be more than worth it. You're on the verge of discovering just how powerful, strong and resilient you are at your very core. If you have ever doubted your strength, after 2013 you'll never question your resourcefulness again. Saturn, the great karmic lord of trials and tribulations, will be camping out at the base of your horoscope until 2015, so you'll have plenty of time to delve into the depths. Family issues and psychological patterns inherited from your parents will come to the surface this year, making your more aware of -- and able to avoid -- negative patterns. Wake up, Leo! Get ready for a major rebirth.
Lucky Jupiter will continue to bring good fortune to your social sector and help you dream big until June. You've been so blessed with the amazing people you've met over the past year who have helped you reach your goals. The second half of the year, you may want to pull back when Jupiter enters your retreat zone. This is a time of dreaming and scheming before launching into the next chapter of your life in 2014. So the first half of the year will continue to be incredibly social, but give yourself permission to come back to a more internal and creative space during the latter part of 2013.
The eclipse patterns of 2013 will shake up both home and career sectors, so get ready for rapid advance and decline in both arenas. Don't get too attached to any of the gains or losses in either of these life departments, as they will constantly be in flux until you reach a healthy middle ground -- and you will!
2013 gives you a strong desire to plant roots. Your heart is looking for the kind of partnership that can endure the long haul. The search and restlessness is finally over, Leo. You know where you want to be and you're ready to anchor yourself long enough to establish a solid routine. Saturn will occupy your domestic sector until 2015, encouraging you to stick to your guns in love. If you're single, you'll be thinking about settling down and possibly even getting married and having a family. If you're already in a long-term relationship, you'll be looking to deepen the foundation and work towards greater levels of passion and intimacy. Your days of being on the prowl for the sake of the thrill are over. You want everlasting love.
Jupiter will continue to work his magic in your social zone for the first half of the year, so if you are indeed single, you can use this influence to attract a partner through your thriving social life. Allow your friends to hook you up and don't be afraid to be open to leads from friends of friends. You've got to work the auspicious energy of Jupiter. The second half of the year, your luck will shift toward retreats and vacation spots for meeting your future mate.
The eclipse patterns of 2013 will intensify your domestic sector, doubling your passionate desire to nest. Never before has the need to put down roots and build a happy home with a loved one been more pronounced for you. In fact, you might call it an obsession. When Leo's heart and mind are fixed on something, they're sure to get it!
You continue to build and destroy -- and then build some more -- in your efforts to properly carve out your throne in 2013. Pluto and Uranus will continue their explosive breakthrough dance to release you from any stagnant areas that have kept you locked in dead-end positions. You're ready to take a well-calculated risk in order to assure you're living up to your full potential. Your loyalty and hard work continue to be rewarded with accolades and recognition. You have remained in the shadows long enough. As humbling as the past few years have been, you're ready to shine with full Leo radiance.
A strong and emotionally stable home life is what will support your professional aims this year, Leo. With Saturn taking up residence in your domestic sector until 2015, you're learning the importance of cultivating a serious backbone that serves you in presenting a fierce and magentic public image. You're able to tap into unparalleled resourcefulness now. You're very clear about what you have to offer, and how it is one-of-a-kind and highly valuable. No longer will you doubt your strength or sell yourself short in your work.
Pluto continues to teach you mind-blowing lessons on how to use-or-lose your power when it comes to your career. You can be generous to a fault, and have a tendency to give it all away when you need to keep some for yourself. Only recently are you starting to see how this undermines your power and depletes your resources. It's one thing to give but another to know when to hold something back and allow others to come to you. This is a painful but invalubale lesson. 2013 is your year to receive, Leo!
You continue to build and destroy -- and then build some more -- in your efforts to properly carve out your throne in 2013. Pluto and Uranus will continue their explosive breakthrough dance to release you from any stagnant areas that have kept you locked in dead-end positions. You're ready to take a well-calculated risk in order to assure you're living up to your full potential. Your loyalty and hard work continue to be rewarded with accolades and recognition. You have remained in the shadows long enough. As humbling as the past few years have been, you're ready to shine with full Leo radiance.
A strong and emotionally stable home life is what will support your professional aims this year, Leo. With Saturn taking up residence in your domestic sector until 2015, you're learning the importance of cultivating a serious backbone that serves you in presenting a fierce and magentic public image. You're able to tap into unparalleled resourcefulness now. You're very clear about what you have to offer, and how it is one-of-a-kind and highly valuable. No longer will you doubt your strength or sell yourself short in your work.
Pluto continues to teach you mind-blowing lessons on how to use-or-lose your power when it comes to your career. You can be generous to a fault, and have a tendency to give it all away when you need to keep some for yourself. Only recently are you starting to see how this undermines your power and depletes your resources. It's one thing to give but another to know when to hold something back and allow others to come to you. This is a painful but invaluable lesson. 2013 is your year to receive, Leo!
The search for a soul-mate continues but with better results than last year now that reality-driven Saturn is working in harmony with Neptune's romantic influence. You don't want to fall into the boat of total cynicism about love, because at heart you're a romantic. But you do want to temper your idealistic notions with a bit of reality testing. If you thought you found the 'one' only to suffer great disillusionment, don't fear. Saturn will make sure that you find someone who meets both your soul needs and is also available in the real world. If you played the role of savior over the past year in your romantic relationships, you'll be less likely to get involved with anyone not willing to help themselves now that Saturn is on the case. This does not mean you'll have to sacrifice any passion, but it does mean that you cannot delude yourself into thinking someone who is in essence unavailable could be any kind of viable partner.
The presence of powerful Pluto in your romantic zone continues in 2013. You have certainly had your love life excavated from the ground up and then some, Virgo. With so much clearing, you can trust that you're truly preparing new ground for someone with not only incredible magnetism but with the kind of staying power that is built to last. This influence also continues to create the kind of potent death and rebirth experiences in your romantic relationship that alter your very notion of what love and romance are all about.
The second half of 2013 brings a surge in your social world, which could also have a wonderfully beneficial effect on your love life. Jupiter brings all of the fringe benefits to meet the right people who lead you closer to your future beloved. Be sure not to turn down too many party invites or you could miss some golden opportunities to cross paths with your future lover.
Your career continues to skyrocket in 2013, Virgo. You got a glimmer of your true potential as the accolades started pouring in during the latter half of 2012. This year brings promotion and success with Jupiter creating tremendous benefit to all your professional endeavors the first half of the year. The second half of the year is just as supportive to your goals, but with more of an emphasis on social networking than just strict career efforts. Both phases of the year will work in tandem to assure that your dreams become a powerful reality. Get ready to live the life of the super mogul, darling. You've certainly worked hard enought to earn this rightful reputation.
The key to your success lies in the power of the spoken and written word in 2013. Make sure you keep your word; don't promise more than you can deliver. The integrity of your word is everything and will make the difference between a little bit of influence and stellar power. Your word carries more manifestation potential than ever now that Saturn is backing your communication zone. In fact, this is the year for delivering your message, so make sure that each and every word is clear, concise and packed with the most influential force possible. This is your true aim for the year. Expect to do heaps of writing and revisions until you get it perfect. Luckily, the process of refinement is an innate gift to your sign.
If you've been wishing to further your education in order to take your career to the next level, you've got Saturn's blessing to get the most from your studies and stick with it despite the hard work. You adore learning and this is the perfect phase to commit yourself to some kind of depth study. You may discover a new found interest in psychology or even the occult this year, even if you don't pursue it professionally. In any case, education and advanced study in your field of interest is an invaluable asset during this transit.
2013 brings you nothing short of a total rebirth, Libra. You can finally bid farewell to the heavy and austere presence of Saturn in your stars since late 2009. You have had enough lessons in love and commitment to last you a lifetime. Now you're ready to put those lessons to the test by pursuing your true calling and passion. No longer will you be satisfied with simply scratching the surface of life. You're prepared to go as deep as necessary to create something of lasting value. You want nothing less than the truth, and nothing short of profound meaning.
You'll be putting more attention and importance on finances than you have in a long time now that Saturn has moved on to your money zone. This is the year to finally work on a budget and devise sound economic strategies for increasing your income without working yourself to the bone. This is an excellent time to get out of debt as much as you possibly can so that you can save your pennies for the whirlwind of change on deck in 2013. The eclipses will rock your money sectors, so be prepared for sweeping gains and losses, and plan accordingly.
You'll continue to break out of any codependent relationship ruts with the ongoing influence of Pluto and Uranus sparring in the cosmos. You've certainly learned how important it is to value your authenticity and independence in all of your dealings with others. No longer will you fall prey to being too nice. You see how crucial it is to set your limits, draw your lines in the sand and commit without wavering. Saturn taught you to get off the fence and take a firm stand. This is how you gain respect. Your diplomacy and charm will always serve you well, but you realize now that they must be backed by the iron fist in the velvet glove.
Your love life is finally getting a much-needed rebirth after enduring the heavy hand of Saturn since late 2009. The law of karma brought many painful lessons home, and you're ready for a return to love. If you experienced crazy amounts of insecurity over the past year, you can also bid that farewell. Enough of the tears and heartbreak from giving too much to people who could not return your sweetness and light. Now that you're clear about boundaries and refuse to lose yourself in codependent patterns, you can get on with establishing the kind of relationship that is healthy instead of detrimental to your health.
The eclipse points of 2013 are asking you to own your value as a partner. If anyone knows how to bring beauty, balance and unparalleled harmony into a union, it's you, Libra. You're finally realizing how irreplaceable you are as a partner. Very few are as easygoing and lovely to be around. You take everything in stride and bring the peace back to any discord that arises in your relationship. How many have the patience and tolerance to do this? Know how precious this is in maintaining a strong partnership.
The ongoing influence of Uranus in your relationship zone is helping you break free of any clingy patterns in love. You have a tendency to be drawn to strong but selfish partners, and now it's time to own the selfish and assertive aspects of yourself so you can attract a different kind of relationship dynamic. In order to keep your scales balanced, you need a proper ratio of give and take. One-sided love affairs are no longer an option. You want a relationship with someone you can trust, and with whom you can build a solid and lasting foundation. You were born under the sign of marriage and companionship for a reason -- you're simply happier living life in tandem with another. If you're already hitched, you'll no longer tolerate being taken for granted on any scale. This is the year of renewal and realizing your value, and there is no better arena to put these lessons into practice than in love relationships.
Money and career are inextricably linked this year for you. Time is money, and you're not willing to give away this precious commodity without proper compensation. You're extremely driven by security and the desire to attain more financial stability for the long-term. With Saturn's backing in your money sector until 2015, you'll realize the value of saving and living within your means. Debt is no longer appealing, and you'll no longer resort to it unless absolutely necessary.
The eclipse points are also impacting your money zones this year, which will help tap you into your resourcefulness. Even if you never thought you had a head for business, get ready to learn the ins and outs of making money. You'll be eager to learn now that Saturn is applying pressure, along with the nodes of the Moon. This means you have the most room for growth and change in your financial arena than anywhere else during 2013. Use it or lose it.
Other career support and benefit comes during the second half of the year when lucky Jupiter moves into your career zone. This is an awesome time for expansion and taking a great leap of faith to push your career potential up a notch or two. Of course, this will put your scales out of balance -- but for a very good cause. Risk-taking and breaking out of familiar territory are the prerequisites for greater success and a higher income. Plus, you have to shake things up sometimes in order to keep the creativity flowing and working in your favor.
2013 has your name written all over it, Scorpio. Thirteen is the number of the Death archetype in the tarot card attributed to your sign. It's about the death of the outworn aspects of yourself and your life, while the sunrise of rebirth is always waiting on the horizon. Transformation, metamorphosis, passion and sexuality are all heavily pronounced this year for you. Saturn, the great taskmaster, has taken up long-term residency in your stars until 2015 to give you and your life a complete makeover. Add to this the fact that your ruler, Pluto, is in what is known as a 'mutual reception' with Saturn (mutual influence by means of swapping signs) and the force for rebuilding your life from its very foundation is doubled. This is a year for uncovering your greatest resourcefulness, and relinquishing any skeletons from your psychic closet. Death and rebirth become daily themes as you shed layers upon layers of the former you.
The speed at which your life is moving, evolving and changing is unprecedented, Scorpio. The total whirlwind that began in the latter half of 2012 continues as the eclipse points impact your sign directly. Watch for key events in May and November as signposts for more change to come. There's a good chance you'll change jobs, move, start or end a relationship or simply start an entirely new chapter of your life under this intense influence. Trust that whatever you're putting your passionate energy into this year will indeed build out to something lasting and beautiful.
This could easily be one of the most exhilarating and spiritual years in a long time, Scorpio. Jupiter supports your quest for deep change and self-awareness by working on the Eighth House (Scorpio sector) of your horoscope until June. Delve into your own secret depths and discover how powerful you really are. Few are as tough and resilient as you are. It's actually your sensitivity and vulnerability that make you strong. At the end of the day, you may be the most emotionally courageous sign there is. You heal others by showing them that it's safe to confront their own darkness as you have done. This is the greatest gift and strength you'll be sharing with many in 2013.
The commitment theme extends into all life arenas this year, but especially love. Saturn demands that you stick with the relationship you've started if you ever want to learn deep and meaningful lessons about intimacy, Scorpio. If you jump from partner to partner, you'll remain stuck in shallow water. If you avoid love altogether for fear of being hurt, you'll simply end up lonely and bitter. Why not put your heart on the line and try being vulnerable for a change? Yes it might feel like it will kill you to trust someone again, but think of the rewards when deep passion and connection are possible if you're willing to take the risk.
Neptune continues to bring the longing for a soulful merger with a romantic partner again this year. Neptune is taking residence in your love zone for the long haul, so the themes of illusion, disillusion and the desire for a divine romance continue. You want a love that inspires poetry, art, music and cinema. You want a love worthy of the gods, Scorpio. Nothing less will do. You may have to lower your expectations if you want to survive in a real relationship inevitably filled with human limitations lest you suffer grave disappointment again and again. This doesn't mean you have to give up on the idea of a beautiful romantic relationship. Just know that it will have its off days and there will be moments of drudgery and discord, if you want something long-term. There is no escaping the difficult and ugly parts of romance.
Having the combination of Saturn and Neptune influencing your stars actually provides a healthy balance between reality and fantasy, so you may just find your way to that ever-elusive middle ground in love this year. Plus, the eclipse points will be moving your relationship along so fast that you'll have to learn your lessons quickly. You may be surprised how fast your partnership goes from zero to one hundred seemingly overnight. You may move in together, get married or just simply deepen your commitment level to one another.
If there's been any wavering in your attitude toward your career goals, you can kiss that wishy-washy nonsense goodbye. You're ready to get super serious no matter how much discipline, hard work and perseverance is required. Having Saturn, the king of commitment, in your sign is forcing you to finally just go for it. All-talk-and-no-action was so 2012. This is the year for strategy, planning and follow through. You have all the talent required to hit it big; now you just need the structure to support your large-scale ventures. Saturn in Scorpio will provide the necessary framework to get it all done.
The eclipse points are hitting you so hard this year that your life is in constant fast-forward motion -- career included. You easily have so much going on that you struggle to keep track of it all. If you have not already considered getting an assistant or delegating some of the thousands of tasks and projects you've got sitting on the back-burner, this is the year to let some of the control go and ask for help. It's only holding you back when you insist on doing everything yourself, especially when the planets are pushing you so hard to create even more. You need time. Time is money, Scorpio, so find ways to free some up in 2013 so that you may pursue the passionate aspects of your work rather than getting bogged down by the grunt work.
Jupiter will continue to back your resourceful nature. Others (with money) want to help you, so don't be afraid to reach out. You're a worthy investment and you'll be able to pay them back tenfold with time. This is a year for building and capitalizing on your assets. Your potential is off the charts, and this year you're determined to realize it fully. You will not be satisfied with any half-baked measures in your career. When Jupiter moves into your travel zone during the second half of the year, expect to be moving from coast-to-coast or continent-to-continent frequently in order to expand your contacts and professional potential. You're definitely moving and shaking this year, Scorpio. There's no doubt about it!
If there was ever a time in your life when you wished for a very extended vacation, it's 2013, Sag. The longing for a break from the rat race and constant hustle has never been so overwhelming. You started having fantasies of what it would be like to live your life totally surrounded by tranquility, nature or, better yet, 24-hour room service in a posh hotel. The idea of being taken care of is ridiculously enticing as Saturn and the North Node of the Moon take root in your retreat zone this year. If you can't totally break away from the responsibilities of life, at least plan to book as many moments in solitude as possible. You'll need regular getaways to cope.
Jupiter continues to bless your relationship and social sector this year until June. This brings wonderful luck and benefits through your close associations with others and will also bless partnerships. If you're in a long-term relationship you may experience incredible breakthroughs and wisdom during the first half of the year. If you're single, this could be an incredible opportunity to meet someone you can finally look up to. In any case, you'll not find yourself lonely or wanting for company under Jupiter's abundant influence in your partner zone.
The second half of the year brings tremendous resourcefulness as Jupiter moves into your sector of other peoples' money, sexuality and transformation. Change feels better than ever, so be willing to let go of all that no longer serves your highest. You're simply making way for the new. The more you let go, the more new channels of abundance can flow to you. The universe wants to help you, so don't be afraid to ask for what you need. You'll be utterly amazed at the earth angels that step forward to help you this year. You may come into some unexpected money through an inheritance or a gift before the end of 2103. This is an excellent year to get out of any lingering debt. You'll have the means to dig yourself out and make all-things financial right again.
The romance continues with your lucky ruler gracing your relationship zone through the first half of the year. Intimate partnerships are favored over fleeting romance, but the choice is yours. Either way, the quality of the lovers you attract are top-notch now that Jupiter is working for you until June. The optimism around love and partnership has returned, and this good vibe is nothing short of contagious. If anything, you may be so popular this year that the problem is in choosing only one partner. You have a pattern of always wanting just a little more than you have, even in love. The grass-is-greener complex belongs to your overly ambitious nature. The idea of settling down typically runs counter to your gypsy spirit, but you're also a total romantic. So if you can snag a partner who is as adventurous and as much of a free bird as you are, you're golden. If ever the stars were aligned for such magic to happen, it's this year, Sag.
There are competing planetary patterns provoking opposing needs within you when it comes to romance in 2013. Uranus continues to inspire a restless and truly independent spirit in your romance zone for a few more years, while the committed tone of Saturn in your subconscious sector is pulling for a lasting commitment. Saturn in Scorpio is working on your unconscious to cultivate a deep and lasting intimacy, while Uranus in Aries in your love zone creates erratic if not reckless impulses in love relationships. You also have the auspicious influence of Jupiter in your zone of significant partnerships, protecting you from serious damage and giving you more second chances than you even feel you deserve.
Striking a balance between freedom and commitment is what will bring all-things romantic to a satisfying place. Yes, it's possible to have both intimacy and freedom if you know where you must work on your integrity. Always keep your word, make your partnership the priority and be open about your needs for ongoing adventure and exploration. With the right amount of compromise and sacrifice, you can have it all, dear Sag!
2013 promises to bring you a slew of helpful alliances to further your career aims. This is the year when social networking pays off in spades. The more you put yourself out there and socialize, the more contacts you'll make. Never underestimate the power of who you know because you're about to find out just how powerful it is to be connected. You're also learning about the power of delegating responsibilities. You of all people have a tendency to load your plate so full that you cannot possibly keep up with your own exciting life. Getting the right people to support you is essential to keep your career flourishing. Without the proper team behind you, how can you safely continue to grow? Saturn in Scorpio is reminding you that you must have a rock-solid foundation and infrastructure to prevent your bigger-than-life plans from toppling over at a moment's notice.
Uranus continues to give you the rebellious spirit you need to maximize your creative potential for ultimate gain. The fearlessness and initiative sparked by this radical influence propels you forward with an immediacy that is palpable. You know more than ever that the time is right now. No longer will you bide your time or put important plans on the back burner. It's now or never in 2013, and you'll show others the way to jumping into the unknown with total abandon. Others look to you for wisdom, inspiration and guidance more than ever now, so be ready to heed the call.
Saturn is camping out in your sector of retreat, dreams and imagination. You're being asked to make time to give structure to your fantasy life. No longer shall reality and fantasy be compartmentalized. If you can dream it, you can manifest it in the real word. All that is required is that you write everything down and make a solid plan around the images and dreams that come to you. Don't let them pass like clouds because they may just be your meal ticket, darling. It's all about implementing and making them concrete. Taking time off proves to be highly lucrative, as you will use this time for research, inspiration and reflection. Solitude and reflection become a necessity rather than a luxury in 2013.
Get ready for the deepest structural changes of your life -- ever. You're becoming the master at tearing down the old and rebuilding from scratch, and yet you may be amazed to discover there is indeed another, much deeper layer to uncover. Just when you thought your world could not possibly survive yet more gutting, along comes the mutual reception between Saturn and Pluto directly impacting your sign. Pluto rules irreversible, you-are-never-going-back change, while Saturn (your planetary ruler) is all about death, rebirth and total transformation. You get the gist: nothing will ever be the same, so close your eyes, take a deep breath and let go. On the other side of the wrecking ball is a beautiful life in total alignment with your true value system making the necessary sacrifices more than worth it. You have nothing to fear, because all of the changes will pave the way to such profound improvement, you'll look back and wonder why you ever held on to such a sham of a world in the first place.
Your daily life -- work, health and overall well-being -- will get an extra boost from Jupiter during the first half of the year. This means you can kick it up a notch by taking such good care of yourself that you'll have more energy than the gods! This is also an excellent time for getting your daily regimen working like a well-oiled machine. Eating right, getting enough sleep and making time for regular exercise are all essential in 2013. The second half of the year brings the luck of Jupiter to your relationship and social zone. No longer shall you be tired or lonely. Your love life and social world will be dripping in goodness and abundance.
Don't expect much solitude in 2013. Your social world is about to blow up -- as is your love life. The eclipse points will be activating your love and social sectors, assuring that you'll have very little, if any, time or space to feel isolated. Friends and lovers will be flocking to you like a magnet. The only problem is that you may feel like you're neglecting your career responsibilities, but how can you turn down all the fun? All work and no play makes Capricorn a dull Goat! It's rare that you have so many invites hitting you simultaneously -- enjoy!
2013 is the year of deep and unfathomable commitment for you, Capricorn. You're getting ready to take a serious plunge into the deep and sexy waters of Scorpio. Your ruler is taking long-term residence in the mysterious constellation of Scorpio and forming a powerful mutual reception with Scorpio's ruler Pluto (in your constellation). This makes for one of the most potent planetary combos working to tear things down and build you back up stronger and fiercer than ever before. This applies directly to your love life, as you seek a partner who's willing to go to hell and back with you. You'll no longer be satisfied with superficial connections or commitments that only meet you part of the way. It's all-or-nothing-at-all in 2013. The stakes are sky high -- as they should be. You deserve nothing less than that.
Jupiter moves into your partnership zone this June, bringing amazing opportunities and expansion to your love life. If you're already hitched, you can expect a serious renaissance filled with travel, shared wisdom and more joy than you've experienced in years. If you're a single Goat, you can look forward to finally attracting the mate of your wildest dreams. Jupiter brings the best-of-the-best (and in large quantities!), so you're likely to attract someone very generous and extravagant in their desire to nurture you. How fabulous is that?
The long-term presence of Pluto in your constellation continues to amplify your inherent magnetism. Add to this the fact that Saturn and Pluto are swapping and intensifying each other's power and you'll understand why you feel turbo-charged most of the year. Others simply cannot resist the charge you carry now. Pluto's ability to penetrate to the root of peoples' motivations serves you well in sorting the keepers from the losers. You can absolutely trust your gut reaction when you first meet new acquaintances. You're only in danger should you second-guess yourself. Know your power, Capricorn. Trust it, use it and live it.
Your planetary ruler is setting up camp in the fixed and deep waters of Scorpio in 2013, making a powerful mutual reception with Pluto in Capricorn. This translates as a fierce determination to get what you want. There is no question that you will have the resources to make it happen this year, Capricorn. It's all about intention, commitment and perseverance. You'll only find satisfaction in the depths, so cut out all unnecessary distractions. You'll get by with a whole lot of help of your friends this year. Saturn brings power to your social world, so be sure to work your vast network of connections. Heaven knows you go out of your way to be there for others. Consider this is payback time!
You'll have the amazing fortune of Jupiter gracing your work zone for the first half of the year, making sure that you have more projects on your plate than you even know what to do with. You'll be busy straight through to summer, so budget your precious time wisely. Workaholism is not a disease you want to adopt just because you're good at it. Responsibility is most definitely your bag, baby, but that doesn't mean you should run yourself ragged and neglect your own needs in the name of duty. The balance may not be possible until after June, but if you make a concerted effort to take good care of yourself, you can have it all.
The eclipse energies of 2013 make a strong impact in your sector of long-term goals (especially in the spring). You can now expect some serious fast-forward motion with your most important projects and objectives. Instead of wondering when and if it will happen, you'll be utterly amazed at how it all gets propelled forward at lightning speed. The question is, can you keep up with the pace? What happens once you start quickly crossing everything off of your list? What next? You'll simply have to create a whole new-and-improved list for 2014!
2013 is the year when all of your hard work starts to truly pay off in spades. Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, is taking up residence at the tip top of your horoscope for the next few years, giving you the make-it-or-break-it impetus to get the job done right. You've been biding your time over the past few years, collecting the necessary research and finding a slew of inspiring mentors. Now is your chance to finally get your genius concepts on the map where they belong. Yours has been a slow-and-steady climb rather than a meteoric rise to the top, thus you've built a rock-solid foundation to carry your dreams through with serious staying power. Your success is anything but a flash-in-the-pan. Over the next two years, you'll continue to work hard to build on earlier accomplishments and integrate all that you started investing in since 2000. Not only do you have the power of Saturn at full strength in your career zone for the next few years, but the mutual reception between Saturn and Pluto will quickly make you a triple-threat genius. Watch as all your latent talents quickly come rushing to the fore.
The eclipse patterns of 2013 add speed and force to the career promise that the stars have in store for you. The push of the North Node provides a definite if not unexpected fast-forward motion to any projects that have been on the back burner. Get ready for supreme acceleration with worldly status -- and life changes galore. Your home zone will also get hit by the eclipse patterns, which could generate a change of residence or just a total renovation to your existing domicile. Either way, you're getting ready for the kind of life-altering transformation that works on you from the ground up.
The pleasure cruise that began last summer will continue straight through until June as Jupiter continues to bless your love zone. Romance, creativity and sheer joy are in great abundance during the first half of the year. Use the good fortune of Jupiter in your love house to spend most of your days doing what you love most with those you adore most. If your life feels more like play than responsibility, you're living well and in accordance with the stars. You can get down to business during the second half of the year when Jupiter shifts houses and brings the bounty to your work and health house in June. The latter part of the year will keep you busy, so allow yourself the pleasure before the workload starts piling up. 2013 is the perfect balance of business and leisure for you, Aquarius!
Your love life continues to thrive in the best of all ways in 2013. The goodness that began last year is still going strong well into the summer months. Jupiter is blessing your romance and pleasure sector with luck, abundance and a love match that just wants to keep on giving. All you have to do is remain open and allow lucky Jupiter to continue to shower you with his gifts of fabulousness. If you're not madly in love with another human being, you're definitely in love with your life and hopefully, most importantly, yourself. The heart energy is especially strong this year, so follow the dictates of love. If you don't adore it, don't waste your time on it. No longer will you put up with being treated for less than you know you're worth. Putting up with a romantic partner who does not honor and cherish your essence is a thing of the past (no matter how in love you are).
The eclipse patterns will rock the very foundation of your horoscope this year, which will in turn affect your love life. You're really beginning to think long-term stability despite the unexpected eccentric impulses that sometimes spark you to suddenly withdraw from a relationship. With the fixed nature of the nodal points, you're in it for the long haul when it comes to giving your heart away. What you crave most of all is a deep level of intimacy and someone you can actually trust to be loyal, steady and true. Your days of experimentation are a thing of the past. You're ready to build, commit and go deeper with the one you love. If you have not found that special someone yet, you will have your radar set strictly to attracting a quality partner who shares your commitment level and integrity. Losers and players need not apply.
CareerYour love life continues to thrive in the best of all ways in 2013. The goodness that began last year is still going strong well into the summer months. Jupiter is blessing your romance and pleasure sector with luck, abundance and a love match that just wants to keep on giving. All you have to do is remain open and allow lucky Jupiter to continue to shower you with his gifts of fabulousness. If you're not madly in love with another human being, you're definitely in love with your life and hopefully, most importantly, yourself. The heart energy is especially strong this year, so follow the dictates of love. If you don't adore it, don't waste your time on it. No longer will you put up with being treated for less than you know you're worth. Putting up with a romantic partner who does not honor and cherish your essence is a thing of the past (no matter how in love you are).
The eclipse patterns will rock the very foundation of your horoscope this year, which will in turn affect your love life. You're really beginning to think long-term stability despite the unexpected eccentric impulses that sometimes spark you to suddenly withdraw from a relationship. With the fixed nature of the nodal points, you're in it for the long haul when it comes to giving your heart away. What you crave most of all is a deep level of intimacy and someone you can actually trust to be loyal, steady and true. Your days of experimentation are a thing of the past. You're ready to build, commit and go deeper with the one you love. If you have not found that special someone yet, you will have your radar set strictly to attracting a quality partner who shares your commitment level and integrity. Losers and players need not apply.
This could definitely be one of the best career years ever for you, Aquarius. With Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter working for your cause, how could you possibly fail to raise your own bar? This is the year for going past your comfort zone in your work and finding out what you're truly capable of. Chances are that you're only living up to a fraction of your potential and yet doing incredibly well. Imagine if you kicked that up about 10 notches -- your career would be off the charts. Well, that's exactly the kind of push you can expect, compliments of the cosmos in 2013. With Saturn in Scorpio as the career influence of the year, you can expect plenty of tearing up, burning down and destroying of the old ways so that you can rebuild at a much higher caliber. Sometimes you have to start from scratch so that you can do it right. Don't be afraid to let go and start over. Death and rebirth are integral parts of an ongoing process until your career becomes all that it could be.
The second half of 2013 brings the lucky influence of Jupiter in your work zone. If you've been wondering when your workload was going to speed up, the wait is over. In fact, you may miss the days when you actually had time to kill. Opportunities involving overseas travel may come through work, compliments of the expansive and wanderlust energy of Jupiter. If you're not literally traveling for work, expect to open your mind to new vistas that will enhance your daily schedule. It's about breaking out of the normal bounds of nine-to-five stagnation. Your daily routine should be just as exciting as your after-hours activities. If anyone can find a way to make routine more interesting, it's you, darling.
The eclipse patterns will only add fuel to the fire of non-stop adventure in your career. The inspiration is strong, and your productivity level will finally find a way to keep up with your mind. Putting your genius into concrete form becomes a reality, thanks to the fixed nature of the nodes this year. There's something incredibly grounded about your world, even though life seems to be moving at the speed of sound. You can accomplish three times your normal output rate, and yet not suffer the same kind of burnout that would have set you into hiding a few years ago. 2013 is the year to get it all out there for the world to see, Aquarius!
2013 is nothing short of stellar for you, Pisces. By summer, you're ready for the grand water-trine influence as Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune all flow together in Water signs to make magic. Your powers of psychic perception and healing have never been stronger. Your ability to create glamour, weave fantastical illusion and provide invisible-but-potent healing to others is beyond measure. Others will feel inextricably drawn to you without understanding why. This is excellent for your star potential as others sense something extraordinary and sublime in your presence. People want to have you around as much as possible even without fully comprehending why. The best part is that people are willing to pay big bucks for whatever it is you have to offer and no matter how intangible it may seem. For once, you won't feel like the oddball, freak or the perpetually misunderstood alien in the crowd but rather the mysterious-yet-sought-after special someone that others cannot resist. It's all part of your otherworldly glamour and mystique. Work it, Pisces!
You still have the generous influence of Jupiter working the base of your horoscope for the first half of the year. If you were planning on expanding your home or upgrading, now's the time. Your luck with real estate is exceptional until June, so take advantage of the first half of 2013 if you were planning any kind of major relocation or home improvement project. The second half of 2013 switches the focus from family and home to pleasure and romance. Your love and creativity zone will receive the big gifts of Jupiter starting this summer. Pleasure is on the rise from June until next January as you prepare to live a life of proper leisure. Your inner romantic will be amazingly satisfied for a change under this most auspicious influence. Love letters, poems, films, music and every other form of love-inspired medium will be calling you. Surrender to the sweetness and let yourself dwell in your chosen form of pleasure during the second half of the year.
The eclipse points of 2013 will stir up your travel sectors -- both domestic and foreign -- so keep your passport and suitcase handy. This year is all about mind and soul expansion for you on every level. Get ready to leave the comfort of familiar territory for more experience and adventure than you've dared to dabble in for years. This year will be anything but ordinary.
Let love rule in 2013, Pisces. Born under the sign of compassion, you live for the exchange of true heartfelt energy. Romance for you extends far beyond just the coupling relationships of dating and mating. You're often in love with your entire social circle, not to mention animals, plants and even some beautiful seemingly inanimate objects. All is alive and endowed with feeling in the life of empathic Pisces. There's a reason you're called the 'bleeding heart of the zodiac'. You tend to fall in love with those you need to help, educate or save in some way. In 2013, you're adding the requirement of long-term stability to the mix. Your standards for a serious partner are more rooted in loyalty and consistency than ever before. You want staying power, which means giving up the unobtainable relationship pattern. The part of you that's drawn to the projected ideal of a person is being replaced with a serious reality check, compliments of Saturn in Scorpio. Intimacy is now what you crave, and that requires stability, reliability and trust. Such character traits need to be shown to you in the real world from now on. No longer will you fall in love with someone's potential. You've been burned too many times trying to play the role of the wounded healer, Pisces.
The powerful eclipse points only intensify your desire for a solid mate. You also find that you're more drawn to someone incredibly grounded if not bordering on earthy, someone real and sensual instead of fleeting and elusive. You want more tangible proof of your partner's affections instead of allowing yourself to get lost in love for the sake of love. You realize that you have to relate with your mind and the instincts of your body just as much as your heart. Letting your overly tolerant and permissive heart make all of the decisions has only proven detrimental in the past. Employing more discrimination and higher standards can only serve you well in the elimination process. Your friends and family will be thrilled instead of having to counsel you off the ledge of yet another self-sabotaging relationship where you give everything and receive little to nothing. 2013 is all about radical transformation and self-empowerment -- especially in intimate relationships. Rock on, gold dust woman!
Success in your career endeavors is contingent upon the amount of energy you're willing to put into expanding your current sphere of expertise. You can sense that it's time to widen your professional horizons, Pisces. When you're fully able to access the power of your imagination, there's no limit to what you can do. 2013 brings plenty of potential for enhancing your current skill set. The eclipse patterns impact both your higher and lower mind, giving you a profound opportunity to tap into your deep well of wisdom. Your work is important to the world, and you're finally starting to realize that you have knowledge to share. No more playing invisible, Pisces. It's selfish not to share your gifts.
During the second half of the year, Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune are forming a grand water trine. This will unite your sense of self with your creative sector and house of higher consciousness to create one very magical matrix of manifestation. By harnessing the power of your higher mind and combining it with your natural allure and limitless creativity, you can make anything happen. Can't you just feel all of that untapped power you're sitting on? Starting this June, get ready for things to flow heavily toward the good.
Neptune continues to shower your world with glamour. If you're not in high art, fashion, dance, spirituality, healing or anything that involves your imagination, you're probably not feeling fulfilled or even close to living up to your true potential. This is the year to pull everything into alignment. The beauty of being born under the constellation of Pisces is that you're endowed with infinite gifts all seeded in the depths of your imagination. All you have to do is create enough structure and discipline not to float into a dream world that never takes form in the physical universe. Once you start to materialize your vision, you're golden. This is what 2013 is all about for you, Pisces.
(Sưu tầm - source: astrology.com)
Mời xem thêm các bài viết:
- Đoán Cá Tính và Tình Cảm Qua Ngày Sinh
- BẠCH DƯƠNG hay DƯƠNG CƯU (Aries 21/3 - 20/4)
- KIM NGƯU (Taurus - 21/4 - 21/5)
- SONG TỬ hay SONG NAM (22/5 - 21/6)
- CỰ GIẢI hay BẮC GIẢI (Cancer - 22/6 - 22/7)
- HẢI SƯ hay SƯ TỬ (Leo - 23/7 - 23/8)
- XỬ NỮ hay TRINH NỮ (Virgo - 24/8 - 23/9)
- THIÊN XỨNG hay THIÊN BÌNH (Libra - 24/9 - 23/10)
- HỔ CÁP hay THIÊN YẾT hay THẦN NÔNG (Scorpio - 24/10 - 22/11)
- NHÂN MÃ (Sagittarius - 23/11 - 21/12)
- NAM DƯƠNG hay MA KẾT (Capricornus - 22/12 - 20/1)
- BẢO BÌNH (Aquarius - 21/1 - 18/2)
- SONG NGƯ (Pisces - 19/2 - 20/3)
The planetary positions for the twelve zodiac sings are not fixed. They keep on changing and as a result, their effects on your sun sign can change as well.